Hernández-Moresino, R. D., Crespi-Abril, A. C., Soria, G., Sánchez, A., Isla, F., & Barón, P. J 

Inferring bottom circulation based on sediment pattern distribution in the San José Gulf, Patagonia Argentina.

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Martelli, A. Hernadez Moresino, R., Barki, L. & Barón P.  

Effects of salinity-temperature conditions and ablation methods on growing of juvenile swimming-crab Ovalipes trimaculatus (Crustacea: Portunidae): Towards a nursery

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De Vivar, M. E. D., Zárate, E. V., Rubilar, T., Epherra, L., Avaro, M. G., & Sewell, M. A. 

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Barbieri, E. S., Medina, C. D., Vázquez, N., Fiorito, C., Martelli, A., Wigdorovitz, A., ... & Barón, P. J. 

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Crespi-Abril, A. C., Soria, G., De Cian, A., & López-Moreno, C.

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Paparazzo, F. E., Crespi-Abril, A. C., Gonçalves, R. J., Barbieri, E. S., Villalobos, L. L. G., Solís, M. E., & Soria, G. 

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Crespi-Abril, A. C. & Rubilar, T.  

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Epherra, L., Martelli, A., Morsan, E. M., & Rubilar Panasiuk, C. T.  

Parámetros poblacionales del erizo de mar Arbacia dufresnii (Arbacioida, Arbaciidae) en golfos norpatagónicos invadidos por el alga Undaria pinnatífida (Laminariales, Alariaceae).

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Paparazzo, F. E., Williams, G. N., Pisoni, J. P., Solís, M., Esteves, J. L., & Varela, D. E. 

Linking phytoplankton nitrogen uptake, macronutrients and chlorophyll-a in SW Atlantic waters: The case of the Gulf of San Jorge, Argentina.

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Bigatti, G., De Vivar, M. D., Cumplido, M., Vilela, R. N., Avaro, M., Sastre, V., & Gil, M. 

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Hernández-Moresino, R. D., Di Mauro, R., Crespi-Abril, A. C., Villanueva-Gomila, G. L., Compaire, J. C., & Barón, P. J.

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Domínguez-Contreras, J. F., Munguía-Vega, A., Getino-Mamet, L. N., Soria, G., & Parma, A.

Characterisation of 30 microsatellite loci for the Tehuelche scallop, Aequipecten tehuelchus (d'Orbigny, 1842) and their use for estimating demographic parameters relevant to fisheries management.  

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Rubilar, T., Epherra, L., Deias-Spreng, J., De Vivar, M. E. D., Avaro, M., Lawrence, A. L., & Lawrence, J. M. 

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Martelli, A., Tapella, F., González-Pisani, X., Dellatorre, F., & Barón, P. J. 

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Soria, G., Orensanz, J. L., Morsán, E. M., Parma, A. M., & Amoroso, R. O.  

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Soria, G., Munguía-Vega, A., Marinone, S. G., Moreno-Báez, M., Martínez-Tovar, I., & Cudney-Bueno, R.

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